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Python Implementation of the Haply Hardware API

class HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle

Bases: pybind11_object

The versegrip handle class

GetVersegripStatus(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle)

Get the most recent Versegrip informations

OnReceiveHandleErrorResponse(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle, device_id: int, error_code: int)


OnReceiveHandleInfo(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle, tool_data_remaining: int, device_id: int, device_model_number: int, hardware_version: int, firmware_version: int)


OnReceiveHandleStatusMessage(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle, device_id: int, quaternion: float, error_flag: int, hall_effect_sensor_level: int, user_data_length: int, user_data: int)


Receive(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. Receive(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle) -> int

Receive data from the handle

  1. Receive(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle, obsolete: int) -> int

[DEPRECATED] Receive current and return current

  1. Receive(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle) -> int

Receive data from the handle

RequestStatus(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle)

request handle status

SendDeviceWakeup(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle)

SendHandleState(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Handle, device_id: int = 0, data_length: int = 0, user_data: int = None)

send handle state

class HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3

Bases: pybind11_object

Inverse3 Device Class

ReceiveCurrent(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, current: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

receive current and return current

ReceiveDeviceInfo(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive device info and return a tuple with the following fields:

device_id (uint16_t)

device_model_num (uint8_t)

hardware_version (uint8_t)

firmware_version (uint8_t)

device_id_ext (UUID)

ReceiveJointState(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, joint_position: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], joint_velocity: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

[Deprecated] receive joint state and return position and velocity in the joint reference frame

ReceiveState(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, position: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], velocity: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

[Deprecated] receive state and return position and velocity

RequestCurrent(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

request current

SendAngle(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, angle: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Send angles to the device

SendDeviceWakeup(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

[DEPRECATED] Send a device wakeup command

SendForce(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. SendForce(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, force: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) -> None

[Deprecated] Send force to the device

  1. SendForce(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, ForceX: float = 0, ForceY: float = 0, ForceZ: float = 0) -> None

[Deprecated] Send force to the device

SendJointTorques(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, joint_torque: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

[Deprecated] send joint torque

SendPosition(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, position: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

[Deprecated] Send Position to the device

device_wakeup(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Wakeup the device and return the device info as a tuple.

device_wakeup_dict(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Wakeup the device and return the device info as a dict.

end_effector_force(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, force request vector: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Send forces to the device and receive device states

end_effector_position(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, position request vector: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Send end-effector position and receive device states

get_device_id(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the UUID of the device.

get_device_orientation(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the orientation of the base of the device.

get_firmware_version(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the firmware version of the device.

get_motor_currents(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the motor currents of the device.

get_power_status(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the power status of the device.

get_temperature(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3)

Receive the temperature of the device.

joint_angles(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, joint angle request vector: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Send joint angles to the device and receive the joint states

joint_torques(self: HaplyHardwareAPI.Inverse3, joint torque request vector: list[float] = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

Send joint torques to the device and receive the joint states


detect available handles


detect available inverse3 devices


detect available wired handles


detect available wireless handles


Get the version of the CPP library


Print the version of the CPP library