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Version: 2.1.1


Manages the body orientation of an Inverse3 device, applying real-time orientation updates to a specified GameObject. More...

Inherits from Haply.Inverse.Unity.CursorBehaviour, MonoBehaviour

Protected Functions

override voidUpdateCursor()
Updates the GameObject's rotation to match the current orientation of the associated Inverse3 device.
virtual override voidAddDeviceListeners()
Adds listeners to the device.
virtual override voidRemoveDeviceListeners()
Removes listeners from the device.

Protected Properties

override boolIsUpdateCursorRequired
Indicates whether the UpdateCursor method needs to be called on the next FixedUpdate call.

Public Attributes

The minimum change in orientation required to rotate the GameObject.

Additional inherited members

Protected Functions inherited from Haply.Inverse.Unity.CursorBehaviour

virtual GameObjectGetModelPrefab()
Gets the prefab that should be instantiated upon startup.
virtual voidAwake()
virtual voidOnEnable()

Public Properties inherited from Haply.Inverse.Unity.CursorBehaviour

Device that controls the cursor.
The prefab of a cursor model to show for this cursor that this behaviour automatically instantiates.
The transform that this behaviour uses as the parent for the model prefab when it is instantiated.
The instance of the cursor model in the scene.
Whether to hide the cursor model.
Gets the Model radius.

Protected Properties inherited from Haply.Inverse.Unity.CursorBehaviour

Indicates whether the Device has been set.

Detailed Description

class Haply::Inverse::Unity::Inverse3Body;

Manages the body orientation of an Inverse3 device, applying real-time orientation updates to a specified GameObject.

The Inverse3Body component listens for orientation changes from its associated Inverse3 device and applies these updates to the transform of the GameObject it is attached to. This allows for a synchronized representation of the device's physical orientation within the virtual environment.

Orientation data received from the device can be modified before application through the Inverse3.coordinateConverter, allowing for adjustments such as axis reordering, negation, and applying a rotation offset. This flexibility ensures that the virtual representation can be aligned with the user's expectations and the specifics of the virtual scene.

The sensitivity of orientation updates can be controlled via the rotationResolution, which defines the minimum change in orientation required to update the GameObject's rotation. This helps in reducing jitter and unnecessary updates, enhancing the smoothness of the orientation representation.

This component requires an associated Inverse3 device to function correctly. It subscribes to orientation change events from the device and updates the GameObject's orientation accordingly. If the device is not set or becomes disconnected, the component will cease to update the GameObject's orientation.

Protected Functions Documentation

function UpdateCursor

override void UpdateCursor()

Updates the GameObject's rotation to match the current orientation of the associated Inverse3 device.

This method directly applies the latest orientation data from the Inverse3 device to the GameObject's transform, taking into account any modifications specified in Inverse3.coordinateConverter. It should be called whenever there is a significant change in the device's orientation that exceeds the threshold defined by rotationResolution.

function AddDeviceListeners

virtual override void AddDeviceListeners()

Adds listeners to the device.

Reimplements: Haply::Inverse::Unity::CursorBehaviour::AddDeviceListeners

Overridden to add custom orientation listeners.

function RemoveDeviceListeners

virtual override void RemoveDeviceListeners()

Removes listeners from the device.

Reimplements: Haply::Inverse::Unity::CursorBehaviour::RemoveDeviceListeners

Overridden to remove custom orientation listeners.

Protected Property Documentation

property IsUpdateCursorRequired

override bool IsUpdateCursorRequired;

Indicates whether the UpdateCursor method needs to be called on the next FixedUpdate call.

This property returns true if an update to the cursor's orientation is required. It is set when there is a significant change in the device's orientation that exceeds the threshold defined by rotationResolution.

Public Attributes Documentation

variable rotationResolution

float rotationResolution = 0.025f;

The minimum change in orientation required to rotate the GameObject.

Defines the sensitivity of orientation updates. Smaller values result in more frequent updates, while larger values may reduce jitter but decrease responsiveness.