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Version: 3.1.3

Device Mapping Tutorial

This tutorial demonstrates how to manually list, map and connect devices in a Unity project using the Haply Inverse Service.


The DeviceMapper component manages the discovery, mapping, and connection of Haply devices, such as the Inverse3 and VerseGrip, with the scene's Device Controllers.

Scene Setup

Begin by creating a Haptic Rig: GameObject > Haply > Haptic Rig (two hands), as detailed in the Quick Start Guide.

DeviceSelector Component

Create a new C# script named DeviceSelector.cs and attach it to the Device Mapper GameObject. Define the following properties within the DeviceSelector class:

public Inverse3Controller leftInverse3;
public Inverse3Controller rightInverse3;

private DeviceMapper _deviceMapper;
private string _message;
private bool _waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm;

Setting Up Device Mapper

In the Awake method, initialize the _deviceMapper property and subscribe to the Ready event to handle the device mapper's readiness.

private void Awake()
_deviceMapper = GetComponent<DeviceMapper>();

_deviceMapper.autoFetchDeviceList = false; // Disable auto-fetch to manually fetch the device list
_deviceMapper.autoAssign = false; // Disable auto-assign to manually map devices
_deviceMapper.autoConnect = false; // Disable auto-connect to manually connect devices


Getting Device Controllers

To get the device controllers, you can use the GetInverse3Controller and GetVerseGripController methods.

// Get the first Inverse3 controller in the scene
leftInverse3 = _deviceMapper.GetInverse3Controller();

// Get the first Inverse3 controller in the scene with the specified handedness
leftInverse3 = _deviceMapper.GetInverse3Controller(HandednessType.Left);

// Get the Inverse3 controller in the scene with the specified device ID
leftInverse3 = _deviceMapper.GetInverse3Controller("1309");

// Get the first VerseGrip controller in the scene
verseGripController = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController();

// Get the VerseGrip controller in the scene associated with the specified Inverse3 controller
leftVerseGripController = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(leftInverse3);

Selecting Device Controller Handedness

Before the device is ready, you can select the handedness by using the SelectedHandedness property. The DeviceMapper will automatically assign the connected devices to the controllers based on the selected handedness.

// Select the left handedness for the left controller
leftInverse3.SelectedHandedness = HandednessType.Left;

// Select the right handedness for the right controller
rightInverse3.SelectedHandedness = HandednessType.Right;

Fetching Devices List

To fetch the list of connected devices, you can use the FetchDeviceListOnce method.

// Fetch the list of connected devices

Once the device list is fetched, the DeviceMapper component will trigger the DeviceListReceived event. You can use this event to update the UI or perform any other operations related to the device list.

// Subscribe to the DeviceListReceived event
_deviceMapper.DeviceListReceived += OnDeviceListReceived;

private void OnDeviceListReceived(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Update the UI or perform any other operations

Mapping Devices

Once the device list is fetched, you can map the devices to the controllers using the MapDevices method.

// Map the devices to the controllers
if (_deviceMapper.CanMapDevices())

The CanMapDevices method checks if the device list is complete and if the controllers are ready for mapping.

Connecting Devices

Once the devices are mapped, you can connect the devices to the WebSocket server using the Connect method to receive real-time data and control the devices.


In the following example, we call the ProbeCursorPosition method to start probing the cursor position when the device is ready.

// Connect the devices to the WebSocket server to receive real-time data
if (_deviceMapper.State == DeviceMapperState.MAPPING_COMPLETE)

Swapping Devices

To swap the devices between the controllers, you can use the SwapInverse3 or SwapVerseGrip method.

The following example demonstrates how to ask the user to press a button on the right controller to confirm the handedness, or swap the devices if the handedness is incorrect.

In the OnDeviceMapperReady method, we subscribe to the ButtonDown event of the controllers to handle the button press and ask the user to confirm the handedness.

private void OnDeviceMapperReady()
// Get the VerseGrip controllers using the DeviceMapper (must be done in Start or on DeviceMapper Ready event)
var leftVerseGrip = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(leftInverse3);
var rightVerseGrip = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(rightInverse3);


// Start waiting for button press on the right controller
_message = "Press the button on the right controller to confirm handedness.";
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = true;

In the OnButtonDown method, we check if the user pressed the button on the right controller to confirm the handedness.

private void OnButtonDown(VerseGripController verseGrip, VerseGripEventArgs args)
if (_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm)
if (verseGrip != _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(rightInverse3))
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = false;
private void OnGUI()
if (_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm)

This example is for tutorial purposes and should not be used in production. Find a suitable method to confirm the handedness in your application.

Error Handling

If an error occurs during the device mapping process, the Error event will be triggered. You can use this event to handle errors and provide feedback to the user.

// Subscribe to the Error event
_deviceMapper.ErrorOccured += OnError;

private void OnError(object sender, ErrorEventArgs e)
_message = e.ErrorMessage;
switch (e.ErrorCode)
// Handle the error...

Source Files

The final scene and all associated files used by this example can be imported from the Tutorials sample in Unity's package manager.



The DeviceSelector component is used for tutorial purposes and should not be used in production. It demonstrates how to list, map, and connect devices in a Unity project.

using Haply.Inverse;
using Haply.Inverse.DeviceControllers;
using Haply.Inverse.DeviceData;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Haply.Samples.Tutorials._7_DeviceMapping
public class DeviceSelector : MonoBehaviour
private DeviceMapper _deviceMapper;

public Inverse3Controller leftInverse3;
public Inverse3Controller rightInverse3;

private string _message;
private bool _waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm;

private void Awake()
_deviceMapper = GetComponent<DeviceMapper>();
_deviceMapper.autoAssign = false;
_deviceMapper.autoConnect = false;
_deviceMapper.autoFetchDeviceList = false;
_deviceMapper.Error += OnError;

// Start the verse grip handedness check (ask the user to press a button on the right controller)
private void SetupVerseGripHandednessCheck()
// Get the VerseGrip controllers using the DeviceMapper (must be done in Start or on DeviceMapper Ready event)
var leftVerseGrip = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(leftInverse3);
var rightVerseGrip = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(rightInverse3);


// Start waiting for button press on the right controller
_message = "Press the button on the right controller to confirm handedness.";
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = true;

// Handle the button down event to confirm the verse grip handedness
private void OnButtonDown(VerseGripController verseGrip, VerseGripEventArgs args)
if (_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm && args.Button is VerseGripButton.Button0 or VerseGripButton.Button1)
if (verseGrip == _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(rightInverse3))
_message = "VerseGrip handedness confirmed!";
_message = "Wrong controller button pressed. Swap the controllers.";
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = false;
_message = $"Button {args.Button} pressed on {verseGrip.DeviceId}";

// Handle the device ready event to start probing the cursor position
private void OnDeviceReady(Inverse3Controller device, Inverse3EventArgs _)
// Start probing the cursor position when the device is ready

// Handle errors from the device mapper
private void OnError(object sender, DeviceMapperErrorEventArgs e)
_message = e.ErrorMessage;

// Display the device list
private void DeviceListGUI()
if (_deviceMapper.GetNumInverse3() + _deviceMapper.GetNumVerseGrip() > 0)
GUILayout.Label("Connected devices:");
foreach (var device in _deviceMapper.GetInverse3Devices())
GUILayout.Label($"- {device}");
foreach (var device in _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripDevices())
GUILayout.Label($"- {device}");

// Display the device mapper state and actions.
private void DeviceMapperGUI()
switch (_deviceMapper.State)
case DeviceMapperState.UNINITIALIZED:
case DeviceMapperState.INITIALIZED:
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("List devices",
"Fetch the device list by HTTP request")))
_message = "Fetching device list...";

case DeviceMapperState.DEVICE_LIST_COMPLETE:
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Map devices",
"Map the devices to the controllers according to the selected handedness")))
_message = "Mapping devices...";

case DeviceMapperState.MAPPING_COMPLETE:
if (!_deviceMapper.IsReady)
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Connect",
"Connect the devices to WebSocket server to receive real-time data")))
_message = "Connecting...";

case DeviceMapperState.DEVICE_LIST_IN_PROGRESS:
case DeviceMapperState.MAPPING_IN_PROGRESS:
case DeviceMapperState.CONNECTED:
var style = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = Color.yellow } };
GUILayout.Label(_message, style);

case DeviceMapperState.ERROR:
var errorStyle = new GUIStyle( { normal = { textColor = } };
GUILayout.Label(_message, errorStyle);
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Retry")))

// Display the device controller GUI for the inverse3 controller.
private void Inverse3ControllerGUI(Inverse3Controller controller)
// Before the device is assigned, we can select the handedness
if (!controller.Assigned)
GUILayout.Label("Inverse3Controller \u2192 <not assigned>", GUILayout.Width(800));

if (GUILayout.Button($"Filter: {controller.SelectedHandedness}"))
switch (controller.SelectedHandedness)
case HandednessType.Left:
controller.SelectedHandedness = HandednessType.Right;
case HandednessType.Right:
controller.SelectedHandedness = HandednessType.Any;
case HandednessType.Any:
controller.SelectedHandedness = HandednessType.Left;

// Once the device is assigned, devices can be swapped
GUILayout.Label($"Inverse3Controller \u2192 #{controller.DeviceId}.{controller.Handedness}", GUILayout.Width(800));

// Swap the two inverse3 controllers' assigned devices
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Swap inverse3",
"Swap the two inverse3 controller's assigned devices")))
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = true;

// Enable or disable the cursor position update
var probing= GUILayout.Toggle(controller.IsProbeCursorPosition, "Probe cursor position");
if (controller.IsReady && probing != controller.IsProbeCursorPosition)
private void VerseGripControllerGUI(VerseGripController controller)
// Before the device is assigned, we can select the VerseGrip type
if (!controller.Assigned)
GUILayout.Label("VerseGripController \u2192 <not assigned>", GUILayout.Width(800));
if (GUILayout.Button($"Filter: {controller.verseGripTypeFilter}"))
switch (controller.verseGripTypeFilter)
case VerseGripType.Wired:
controller.verseGripTypeFilter = VerseGripType.Wireless;
case VerseGripType.Wireless:
controller.verseGripTypeFilter = VerseGripType.Any;
case VerseGripType.Any:
controller.verseGripTypeFilter = VerseGripType.Wired;

// Once the device is ready, devices can be swapped
GUILayout.Label($"VerseGripController \u2192 #{controller.DeviceId}.{controller.VerseGripType}", GUILayout.Width(800));

// Swap the two verse grip controllers' assigned devices
if (GUILayout.Button("Swap verse grip"))
_waitingForVerseGripHandednessConfirm = true;

// Display the GUI
private void OnGUI()
// Show the device mapper state and actions
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 10, 400, 200), new GUIStyle(;
// Show the device list

// Show the left inverse3 controller
var leftRect = new Rect(0, Screen.height - 200, 300, 200);
leftRect.x = 10;
GUILayout.BeginArea(leftRect, new GUIStyle(;
GUILayout.Label(, GUILayout.Width(600));



// Show the associated verse grip controller
var leftVerseGripController = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(leftInverse3);

// Show the right controller
var rightRect = new Rect(0, Screen.height - 200, 300, 200);
rightRect.x = Screen.width - rightRect.width - 10;
GUILayout.BeginArea(rightRect, new GUIStyle(;
GUILayout.Label(, GUILayout.Width(600));



// Show the associated verse grip controller
var rightVerseGripController = _deviceMapper.GetVerseGripController(rightInverse3);
